We know you are a resourceful and strategic learner, and we also know that learning away from the campus community will likely come with its own set of challenges this spring. We hope you will take some time to consider how to best use your personal strengths, your local support system, and your remote community to help you have a strong semester. As you work to prioritize your academics this term in a way that aligns with your needs and your goals, consider what adaptations to your strategies and habits will ensure your success. We are here to help. Bucknell is a resource-rich environment, and we hope you will continue to connect with our campus community and its resources while learning remotely. Here are the direct links to some of the resources available:
- Writing Center,
- Teaching and Learning Center,
- Office of Accessibility Resources,
- Center for Career Advancement,
- Counseling and Student Development Center,
- Tips for Remote Learning (L&IT & TLC),
- Academic Skills & Active Study (TLC), and
- Library and Information Technology Resources.
Should you need library resources or technical assistance, please consult with Library & IT. L&IT also has items available for loan if you do not have the correct technology at home. Here is the link to the Technology equipment sign up form.
We also encourage you to stay in contact and participate in many of the events that will take place on campus; we will be doing our best to make everything available via remote ways. Participate in your clubs, attend lectures, and consider new activities like eSports!
Please continue to refer to the 20-21 Reopening for Students and Families page and feel free to reach out to your academic advisor, course instructors, or me with questions. We look forward to staying connected with you.
Kind regards,
Dean Kepner