We are now accepting applications and admitting students for our May 2025 Course in SCOTLAND – Sustainable Management & Technology. Students are admitted on a rolling basis, so the earlier you complete your application, the greater your chances for enrollment. A full application for review on our end includes a cover letter, resume, and answers to the university conduct questions in the Global Education portal. We do not need a faculty recommendation to process review and process an application.
Sustainable Management & Technology in SCOTLAND (Tentative Dates: May 18 – June 3, 2025) https://globaleducation.bucknell.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10759
Both of the courses are co-taught with Dr. Peter Jansson from the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (he’s an expert in renewable technologies). I have expertise in Sustainable Management. For two weeks, we travel throughout the country, and learn how the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are embedded in organizations across the Private, Public, and Non-Profit Sectors. The course also has a particular focus on the textile industry, which is very unique to Scotland. We will meet with textile mill producers (e.g., Johnston’s at Elgin, Lochcarron; Think Tartan, Burberry, Coach, etc…) who have a long history of production in Scotland, and we will travel to the Isles of Harris and Lewis to meet with independent crofters who produce the fabrics for Harris Tweed. The visits at crofter homes will be especially fascinating in relation to the history of tweed as an economic savior for the isles, the family traditions of using single loom production in huts on their properties, and how recent industry shifts toward mill production versus independent crofting is impacting a variety of local stakeholders. We also have a lot of fun!
It is a 1.0 credit course and can count as an Integrated Perspectives course, Global connections, Environmental connections or Nature, People, & Justice requirement (tools for critical engagement). It can also count as a MORS Major-Related Elective (for any MORS concentration), or MORS General Elective.