Extended off of the Design Thinking and Leadership Pre-Orientation Program
-Interested in entrepreneurship, innovation or design thinking?
-Looking for opportunities to connect with and get inspired by other students?
-Enjoy working on creative projects?
-Just want an upperclassman friend?
This low-commitment, interdisciplinary peer mentorship program will connect you with resources, opportunities, and a community of like-minded students.
What should I expect?
– You’ll be matched with a mentor (a soph, jr, or sr) based on interests.
– Meet with your mentor a couple times a month face to face, Zoom, whatever works!
– Opportunities to connect with other mentees and peer mentors
Fill out this form by October 9, 2020 and the Design Thinking Leadership Team will be in touch with you shortly.
If you are interested in being a mentor, the Design Thinking Leadership Team would love to hear about your interests and experiences.
Fill out this form by October 9, 2020.
Don’t hesitate to email dtl@bucknell.edu with any questions or contact
Julia Knox ’21, Markets, Innovation & Design Major at jbk022@bucknell.edu.