Patriot League Anti-Racism Speaker Series presents Dr. Karsonya “Kaye” Whitehead, Loyola University, 24 February 2021 from 7-8pm
Patriot League Anti-Racism Speaker Series: The Anti-Racism Speaker Series serves as a primary initiative of the League’s Anti-Racism Commission and a component of the group’s promise to create an open dialogue among the membership as it pursues Anti-Racist practices while examining areas in which systemic racism is perpetuated and to seek actionable solutions for long-term sustainable change within the League. The initial sessions have been designed for Patriot League students and staff, to lend an academic perspective to the discussions that were restarted during the turbulent summer of 2020. In staying true to the League’s mission of preparing student-athletes to become leaders and make meaningful contributions to society, the Patriot League Anti-Racism Speaker Series aims to provide perspective and context on issues facing a multicultural world.
Dr. Karsonya “Kaye” Whitehead (@KayeWhitehead), Loyola University of Maryland – Wednesday, Feb. 24 (7 p.m.)
Uprooting Racism and Inequality: Exploring What it Means to Practice Antiracism
It has become increasingly apparent that every conversation in this country is about race, even when it was not. It is simply because every conversation about race is a conversation about people.
Race is not a biological concept; it is a social construct that either extends or denies a person’s access to privileges and benefits.
Conversations about race are messy and emotional, unsettling, and frightening and where you stand on the question of race is an easy barometer to finding out where you stand on just about everything else: Who are you? How do you define yourself? Where are you in your racial identity awareness?
In this session, we will seek to answer these questions by examining how your individual lived experiences influence your racial consciousness and understanding. We will conclude by outlining strategies for how you can respond to systemic racism on your campus.
Please register at the following hyperlink:
Any questions related to the Anti-Racism Speaker Series can be directed at Richard Zhu at