Register by March 1, 2021 to participate
If you’ve never participated in a design-a-thon, or don’t consider yourself a designer, you’re still welcome to come to take a good try at it! Design is essentially problem solving, and we think that everyone has the potential to be a great problem solver.
For this design challenge, we will be working with external partners to see how we can improve the community and maximize local impact.
We are holding the design-a-thon March 1-7, 2021. The first few days are comprised of workshops open to the public, and the last four days are dedicated to participants only. Most of these workshops will be held in the evenings, usually after 6pm. Currently, we are planning for all events to be remote.
The registration deadline is March 1, 2021. Please register to attend the workshops as early as possible to help us determine how to facilitate the event.
- March 1, 7pm – How to tell a Story
- Learn the basics of how to tell a compelling story and engage your audience!
- March 2, 6pm – Idea Communication
- An expert takes us on a journey of diagramming and sketching to express what we want to share with others
- March 2, 6:45pm – Scrum! Ninja-like Project Management Skills!
- Project Management is a great skill to have for the Design-a-thon, and for life!
- March 2, 7:30pm – The Ins and Outs of Design
- Learn how to Design (with a capital D!) The Design Process takes us through why and how we do Design!
- March 3, 6pm – Learn how to build UI/UX frames!
- For those who want to go for a more digital route, knowing how to use UI/UX tools is a must! Take the chance to learn from a professional in the field!
- March 3, 7:30pm – What is a prototype?
- What exactly do we need to show the world what your product/service is? Come learn about prototyping and methods to do so!
- March 4, 7pm – Design-a-thon Kick-off!
- The Design-a-thon kicks off, and the challenge is revealed! Events during the design-a-thon competition phase are participants-only.
- March 7, TBD – Design-a-thon Presentations!
- All teams will present their viewpoint of the challenge and propose a solution