All Week Tabling inside Taylor Hall Entrance
Stop by to register for amazing prizes and provide feedback on questions.
Management Ice Cream Social
Monday, April, 5 3:00-4:30 PM, Picnic Tables Outside Taylor Hall,
Monday, April 5, 11:59 PM Deadline to sign up! https://forms.gle/snD4Xqt47ZB4Sgy16
Business Trends Summit-Virtual Sessions Through the week
Register here: https://forms.gle/N4UYcsE7yeRZnDMu5
Management Student Stories Zoom Session
Wednesday, April 7, 7-7:50 PM
https://bucknell.zoom.us/j/96029601648?pwd=UlpGVjRJQ3BNcmVlWFNBY244YkFvZz09 Passcode: 893167
First-year, sophomore, and junior students are invited to hear from Freeman Fellows and Freeman Advisory Board about their decisions, paths, and insights on their college experience thus far.
Thursday, April 8, 6-7 PM, Walling Lecture: Courageous Conversations with James “Jim” Nevels ‘74
Attendees are encouraged to join as early as 5:45 PM for a chance to interact with the Student Advisory Board and win prizes.
Zoom link: https://bucknell.zoom.us/j/94301273849?pwd=ZXd2bmxvb3Qvc3lGSUx3Wkcya2k1dz09 Passcode: 408128
Friday, April 9, Senior Celebration, McDonald Commons
Seniors will be emailed with details